Wednesday, 6 June 2012

June Gloom!

I've been in UK for a couple of weeks, and have just got back to a rainy Cham. As is often the case in early summer, the weather is pretty unsettled and although there are going to be good patches here and there, I think we'll have to wait a bit longer for the first really solid spell of summer sun. :(

The good thing about Cham is that there is always something to do, even if it feels a bit more like training than fun (ie. bouldering & dry tooling), so I'm sure I'll be keeping busy until the sun appears. Once I get into the hills and have a look at conditions I'll be straight on here, and in the meantime I'll report on a few good wet weather options around the Valley.

To keep spirits up until the sun appears, here's a few shots from the few days before I left for UK, when we got the odd patch of sunshine and some amazing days out. 

Dentelles, Provence. Spot the climbers!

Me + Chamois in the Aiguilles Rouges.

Sharon & Caroline climbing at Les Chesereys

And on top of the Aiguillette d'Argentiere