Thursday 14 February 2013

Petit Croisse Baulet & lift skiing

Still unsettled weather here in Cham - am I sounding like a broken record?!?!

However, bad weather does mean precipitation so I've found good snow on the Grand Montets and Vallee Blanche, and some not so good stuff at Flegere. Win some lose some.

Ferg on the VB

Sharon below the Dent du Geant

Matt styling it up

Lunch at the Requin!

The one sunny day this week saw Sharon, Caroline and I head over to Megeve for a bit of touring. I'd heard that for a small skin, the Petit Croisse Baulet provides an excellent ski and so we went over to check it out, and to hopefully hoover up some lift served powder too. A spanner was firmly thrown into the works though when the sun hadn't come out by the time we topped out, and as a result we dropped into a world of tight trees and riverbeds!

The top section was excellent, but the lower section was hard going, and the worst part was that the weather cleared after we'd got back into the lift system, and we could see perfect tracks down perfect snow about 50 metres from where we'd gone! Bugger. Still, a good day was had and I'm super keen to go back and check out some of the peaks I scoped out from the Megeve lift system.

Earning the turns

AWESOME view from here!

Nice mellow powder on the way down

Me hunting the good stuff

What is that!?! I saw so many awesome looking lines from Megeve, and my head has been buried in guidebooks ever since, but this one stood out. You'll have to wait until I've done it before I reveal a name though :)

Believe it or not, there is rumoured to be good weather on the way. Much as I love getting lots of snow, I'm pretty keen to get some more stable conditions, so hopefully next week may see them arrive.